Friday 30 November 2012

February 23, 1950

It was a cold morning.Iskandar pulled his blanket to cover his body.He turned his body around a few times to adjust his sleeping position so that he could sleep more comfortably.Noh,his 8 years old,younger brother was sleeping beside him.They slept on a wooden floor in wooden house with three room,one for his parents,one for his older sister and one for him and his brother to share.Iskandar tried to sleep but he kept waking up.He felt something is not right is happening not far from where he lived.The clock on the wall showed 5.25 a.m.He should be awake soon for Subuh prayer,he told himself when suddenly he heard someone knocking the front door hard.

He heard voices from outside the house saying it was an emergency.He quickly stood up and ran to the front door.When he opened the door,he saw five men,around his age standing in front of him.They came with a news that Bukit Kepong Police Station,that was nearby to their village, Kampung Tui, was under attack by the Communists.Iskandar quickly turned around to go to his parents room to call his dad but his father was already up to checked what happened.

After explaining what happened,his dad asked him to go to Bukit Kepong as reinforcement since Iskandar is a part of the village's guard group.Iskandar went back inside his room to take his rifle and leave the house straight with the group that came earlier.

They then went to the village chief's house where they joined a bigger group of people consist of about 5 men.There,they were briefed by the village's chief,Ali Mustafa about the situation.Around 5.50 a,m,the group left the village on foot into the jungle towards Bukit Kepong.It was dark so Iskandar can't really see the jungle clearly but the moon shines bright so it helped the group to have a clear vision to move around in the jungle.There were no sign of trouble as they moved nearer towards Bukit Kepong but half a kilometre before they got to Bukit Kepong,they were ambushed by the Communists.The group quickly find shelters behind trees to protect them from being hit by the bullet.Iskandar tried to fight back by firing a few round from his rifle but it seemed like a wasted effort because the enemies are using automatic rifles,which successfully managed to hold the reinforcement.

The battle went on for almost an hour and the enemies didn't show any sign that they would stop raining the reinforcement with bullets.Half of the reinforcement are down,with most of them dead or severly injured.Just when the reinforcement thought that there will be no hope for them to continue any further,the enemy suddenly stops firing and starts retreating.The ray of sun are starting to shine.It was around 7 a.m in the morning.The group decided to continue their journey.

10 minutes later,they arrived in front of the gate of Bukit Kepong Police Station but there were no police station,just burnt structure.Smoke rise up from the burnt buildings.A few dead policemen can be seen lying on the ground.He realized that they were too late.The Communist had won this battle and as he stood there,he knows that what happened on that day would leave a mark on the history of this country.

Should we keep dreaming?

A few weeks back,my lecturer, Mr.Hardip showed us a movie called Czech Dream (Český sen).It is a documentary film about how two young filmmaker persuade thousands of people to go to their fake supermarket through advertising,which I thought,was very brilliant.I mean,I don't know how they did it but I learned that advertising is a powerful form of media.It's like,through advertising,people can be deceived and made to believe of something that didn't existing into believing that it is there.

After the screening,Mr.Hardip starts telling us about his dream.He wanted to open up a hardware store that are women friendly since,not to be stereotype but hardware store are like shop which women don't usually go to.

As for me,I have a dream too,which I keep as a dream because in our current time,that dream seemed impossible to achieve.Well,I've watched a documentary called The Union.The documentary was about why Marijuana are made illegal and all the benefits can be seen if it is made legal.My dream do revolve around that.What I learned from watching the documentary was how the plant can benefit the whole human population!This is a dream and if it came true,I would want to be a farmer that plants Hemp but not for smoking it but for what it can do.Not many people know this but other parts of the hemp plant are useful too.Hemp can be made into papers,clothes,medicines,cosmetics and many more.It is a plant full of benefits if the growth is controls.Having legal plantation would also reduce the amount of Marijuana trafficking everyday.The police force could actually start focus on preventing more serious criminals rather than catching someone who sits in their couch watching television and eating chips.

Newspaper vs i-News

Online newspaper is becoming a new trend in today's lifestyle. A lot of people have decided to leave the old fashioned way of reading newsprint, this is mainly because online reading is easier and more convenient as readers do not have to hold the newspaper when reading it. Furthermore, online news are always up to date and convenient. Readers can now obtain news anywhere at any time at the tip of their finger as technology has evolved to the extent where people can read news online through the internet via their smartphones,Ipad and Tabs.

On the other hand,printed newspaper had been part of a tradition.This method had been used for hundreds of years and there isn't really much reason that it's going to stop anytime soon.Furthermore,newspaper can be keep as hard copy that can be keep for a long time.

Friday 28 September 2012


This is not the first time I've watched a French film but this film is different than any other film that I've watched.This film is made out of a few genre and it is very original on how the movie was made.This movie starts with Louison (Dominique Pinon),an ex-clown that went to France to work as a  maintenance man which brings him to a strange world inside the building he's working in.There are a lot of meanings behindevery scene in this movie.This movie is dark but humorous with a little suspense and horror but it is an enjoyable movie.

Media Diversion

There are a few way of diversion such as stimulation view which is to avoid boredom or to find emotional and intellectual stimulation. And then there is  relaxation view,which people usually used as a way to overcome stress and emotions release,where people usually use to express emotions such as the thrill that you get when you play horror games.The media use the diversion theory to shape the society by giving them the idea of how they should live their life.The diversion theory does bring negative effects via extensive amount of time spent on televisions,internet,etc..

Thursday 27 September 2012

Genre in Media

When a person come up to you with a question ''What is your favourite genre?'',what is the first thing that came into your mind?What is Genre?To me,genre is a type or class of programs example action,horror and romance.It is how to specify the type of programs to be more specific and this helps people to express themselves.Genre does not only fall under songs,it also include movies,shows and books.Genre is a very important thing because this is how producers,directors,authors and artists recognise the genre that the audience are into.

The Hangover 2 (Comedy)

Since there are tonnes of songs out there today,genre are used to differentiate the type of music.As we are aware,there are so many genre and sub-genre for songs.Pop,Pop Rock,Jazz,House,Metal,Dubstep-These are all popular genres that can be found today.Every songs are categorized under a genre depends on how the music sounds like.

John Mayer (Pop and Blues Rock)

Books had been one of the oldest way to spread information around and not surprising if books started the use of genre

Hollow Skull (Horror)

Movie Review

Have you ever imagined about controlling your dream?Not just that,imagined having a dream inside your dream.That is the main theme from the movie Inception (2010),directed by Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy,The Prestige).The movie is about Domm Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio),a skilled thief,the best in the art of extracting valuable secrets from deep within the subconcious during the dream state.His work revolves around the dangerous worl of corporate espionage,which made him an international fugitive,which put him on the run but this will all change when Saito (Ken Watanabe) offers him a final job which (if he succeed) can put an end to his years of being on the run.

In order to complete the final job,Cobb had to assemble a team which consist of Point man,Arthur (Jospeh Gordon-Levitt), Architect,Ariadne (Ellen Page), Forger,Eames (Tom Hardy), Chemist,Yusuf (Dileep Rao) and Tourist,Saito (Ken Watanabe).

The Team :

 Dom Cobb - The Extractor

Arthur - The Point Man 

Ariadne - The Architect 

 Eames - The Forger

 Yusuf - The Chemist

 Saito - The Tourist

This is the kind of movie that would make you feel that it worth every penny spent to watch it either on cinema or DVD.This movie is beautifully made with a lot of fresh movie scene rarely seen in movies these days.The special effects are realistic,the storyline is interesting,the acting was great.One of the best scene in the movie is the rotating hallway fight scene between Arthur and security guards.

One of the best scene in Inception (2010)

Sunday 2 September 2012

How The Joker kills The Dark Knight

Stoked with the coming of The Dark Knight Rises in cinema,I took my time to watch back Batman Begins and The Dark Knight to recall back what had happened in the first two movie of this Christopher Nolan wonderful trilogy and,I came to a conclusion that the second movie of this trilogy,The Dark Knight was the best movie from the trilogy.This is mostly because of the incredible acting  from the late Heath Ledger as The Joker,Ledger's version of Joker is a psychopath that doesn't know fear and he is a very dangerous mastermind.He seeks pleasure by killing innocent people and doing things as if its a game.

Heath Ledger as The Joker
``Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.``- Alfred Pennyworth,The Dark Knight (2008)
 In his battle against The Joker,Batman puts his full effort to catch The Joker but his plans was always a step or two behind The Joker.The Joker's idea can be seen by the make up that he wears.He drew a smile across his lips and white paint all over his face and black eye shadow around his eyes as a motive to scare people.He addressess himself as The Joker,showed that he sees rules as a joke and he wants a create a world without rule,saying its a sensible way to live in this world.

``The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.``- The Joker,The Dark Knight (2008)
The Joker fenomena were so strong,that people actually looked up to him,seeing him as a hero instead of a villain due to the messages that he gives from the movie.One of the example was the Colorado Massacre on the screening night of The Dark Knight Rises.The gunmen claimed that he was The Joker.The Joker presence in The Dark Knight were so powerful that it affects the plotting of The Dark Knight Rises.

Welcome Readers

Hello.This blog will be about my appreciation towards media.To me,media is a very powerful  medium that it could affect people in almost every aspects in today's life.